Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If I wear Roses / Si usara Rosas

I think you've notice this summer is all about flowers and roses accessories… I’ve seen flowers here and there, roses this and that size both in so many colors. I fell in love with all of them and new exactly how would I used them since I had a one of those do-it-yourself-project vision. The good thing about this is that I could putt them on and take them off, change the color, change the size… is like if I had many shoes! I like the unexpected contrast a big flower can give to an outfit…


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sara, soy Marce Barillas, sorry creo q sale la cuenta de mi hermano!

    Los zapatos estan increibles!! y el blog tambien..felicidades!


  3. jajaja no te preocupes pero Gracias Marce!!
    Espero que estes bien!!!

  4. esos pies yo los conozcooooooo

  5. How crazy I can't believe it! I saw those shoes a few days ago in the street... a hottie wore them in the best place in the world, Yvoire!

    I can tell you something, if it does look good on pictures... it's even better in real!

    any clue where can I buy it?

  6. interesting... I was taking a walk in the forest this morning and guess what?! I mistakely walked on the exact same shoe! it was near an Hawaiian neckles, how bizare!

    I have no idea how it got there but there's one thing I know... must have been a craaazy night!

    The anonymous forest lover
